Too much detail in art is profanity - a vulgar attempt to sum up that which is beyond finite expression.
Art is a laser
The best art is more like a laser beam than a flood light - it doesn't hit everyone, but those it hits, it burns.
Beautiful words
Over the last several years, I've been writing down words (or sets of words) which I consider to be particularly beautiful.
Here is my list:
- Camp Lejeune
- Long Boat Key
- Devil May Cry
- Effervescent
- Cellar Door
- Paramore
- Nevermore
- Evermore
- Cognac
- vis-à-vis
- Commandeer
Analogies are like functions
Analogies are to functions as facts are to variables - facts are data which the mind can reference, but analogies change the way the mind works.
Whenever possible, I try to explain things with analogies.
Poetic Mood
In the last week or so (starting Monday, March 3, 2014) I've been in a very poetic mood. It has been so interesting - it was light a light switch flipping on. I haven't been sitting down and trying to write poetry, they've just been coming to me. Often, as soon as one ends, another begins. It has been so pleasurable. I hope people enjoy them, but even if they don't, it has been so worth it to me!