Caleb Madrigal

Programming, Hacking, Math, and Art


Wordpress to Pelican Reasons

I recently migrated my blog from Wordpress to Pelican. Pelican is a static-site generating blog system which is written in Python and uses Jinja2 for templating. I'll probably do a post about the migration process later, but for now, I'll just give my reasons for moving to Pelican...

Data Longevity

I didn't want my blog data stored in a database; I vastly prefer it being stored in version-controlled Markdown format.


  • I wanted to write blog posts in Markdown (which is possible in Wordpress, but Wordpress isn't designed to use Markdown).
  • I also get to use vim to write my blog posts now, which is much nicer than the Wordpress editor.


  • I hate PHP, but love Python. It worried me that my blog was sitting on a giant, ugly PHP stack.
  • Also, because Pelican is in Python, the code base is much, much cleaner and customizations are much easier.


  • Pelican outputs a static HTML/JS/CSS site, which exposes a much smaller attack surface than the large Wordpress stack.
  • I had my Wordpress site hosted on a shared hosting environment, on which I didn't have HTTPS for my blog (so my Wordpress admin password was being transmitted in plain text). With Pelican, I log in over ssh.

Version Control

  • With Pelican, my blog content and configuration is stored in Github, so I have full version control over everything.
  • It's true that Wordpress has it's own version control, but I trust (and enjoy) git a lot more.


Because everything is in git, and because I only need basic static HTML webserver capabilities, I can host my site just about anywhere. So I can easily change hosts if I see fit.

Nice Octopress theme

The default Pelican theme is pretty bad, but I love the Octopress theme, which has been ported to Pelican.


nginx serving static HTML/JS/CSS files is very fast. Preliminary tests showed that my site would load 3-10x faster than with wordpress.

Staging changes and easy deployment

  • In Pelican, I can make large changes to the entire blog, regenerate it, and run a staging server to verify that my changes work before ever deploying them.
  • Pelican comes with a Makefile to make blog generation, testing, and deployment very easy
  • The command to regenerate the blog is make html
  • The command to run a staging server is make serve or make devserver
  • The command to deploy is make ssh_upload

Nicer syntax highlighting

Pelican has very nice syntax highlighting with Pygments


# Result: 1.6180339887498947
reduce(lambda acc,_: (acc+1.0)/acc, xrange(100), 1)

Easy code file inclusion

Include code syntax:

{% include_code python/ lang:python %}

Result: download
from urllib2 import urlopen
data = urlopen("").read()
print data

Ability to embed IPython Notebooks

Thanks to Jake VanderPlas liquid_tags plugin, I can embed an IPython Notebook like this:

{% notebook ipython_notebook/EmbedNotebookExample.ipynb %}

Which looks like this:

In [5]:
x = linspace(0, 4*pi, 100)
y = 5 * sin(x)
_ = plot(x,y,'ro')

Another nice benefit of being able to embed IPython Notebooks is that they can render mathematics formulas with MathJax:

\[x^2 + y^2 = \pi\]

In []:
